(12 Questions, Difficulty Level: EASY to MODERATE)
by Raison John J. Bassig
Q#1: Who is the proponent of the "Broadacre City" concept, which proposed that every family should live in one acre of land, in a city complete with all necessary amenities?
(Image Courtesy of Kjell Olsen via Flickr)
a. Richard Neutrab. Frank Lloyd Wright
c. Don Soria y Mata
d. Le Corbusier
Q#2: In the hierarchy of spaces in New Urbanism, these spaces are defined as the field on which both the building fabric and the public realm of the city unfold.
a. Corridors
b. Blocks
c. Districts
d. Neighborhoods
Q#3: According to the book, "The Neighborhood Unit", the idea of organizing towns into cohesive neighborhoods is based on the natural catchment area of which community facilities?
a. Parks and Playgrounds
b. Clubhouses (e.g. Administrative Buildings)
c. Hospitals
d. Elementary Schools
Q#4: Among Kevin Lynch's elements of the city, these are defined as "intensive foci from which the observer is traveling."
a. Paths
b. Nodes
c. Edges
d. Districts
Q#5: The Sector Model Theory by Homer Hoyt in 1939 suggests that zones expand outward from the city center (CBD) along railroads, highways, and other transportation arteries. Identify the correct designation of zones (see image) according to Hoyt's Key Model:
a. 2-High Class Residential; 3-Factories/Industries; 4-Low Class Residential; 5-Middle Class Residential
b. 2-Factories/Industries; 3-Middle Class Residential; 4-High Class Residential; 5-Low Class Residential
c. 2-Low Class Residential; 3-High Class Residential; 4-Industries/Factories; 5-Middle Class Residential
d. 2-Middle Class Residential; 3-Low Class Residential; 4-Factories/Industries; 5-High Class Residential
Q#6: Designer of Laguna West in California.
(Photographed in 2014 by Dave Alden via North Bay Design Kit)
a. Andres Duany
b. Edwin Hall
c. Christopher Alexander
d. Peter Calthorpe
Q#7: Landscape architect involved in the Master Plan of Quezon City.
a. I.P. Santos
b. Frederick Law Olmstead
c. Harry Frost
d. Louis Croft
Q#8: What theory postulates that around a central town, rural land assume different forms, with intensity of production declining with distance from the market?
a. Concentric Zone Theory
b. Linear City Theory
c. Ekistics
d. Location Theory
Q#9: A geographical area of land bounded by topographic features and height of land that captures precipitation, filters, and stores water and drains water to a shared destination.
a. Wetlands
b. Swales
c. Reservoir
d. Watershed
Q#10: The German sociologist Ferdinand Tonnies categorized social ties into two sociological types: Gemeinschaft (community) and Gesellschaft (society). Which among the following is a characteristic of the Gesellschaft concept?
- Maintained through individuals acting in their own self-interest and the individual's achieved status and attainment of goals.
- Individual's status is ascribed or given by birth.
- Regulated by common mores or beliefs about the appropriate behavior and responsibility of members of the association.
- Ties are through strong personal relationships, strong families, and relatively simple social institutions wherein indirect social control is seldom enforced due to a direct sense of loyalty an individual feels.
Q#11: His "Inventory of World Resources, Human Trends and Needs" assessed the current state of world products and productive energy, suggesting how it can be turned into man's complete advantage. He is also the proponent of the "Satellite City".
a. Charles Abrams
b. Lewis Mumford
c. Buckminster Fuller
d. Edgar Chambles
Q#12: Entire body of laws issued by the Spanish Crown for its American and Philippine possessions of its empire that regulate the social, political, and economic life in these areas including plans in high detail on every facet of creating a community, including town planning. These laws were heavily influenced by Vitruvius' De architectura and Alberti's De Re Aedificatoria.
a. Leyes de Indias
b. Mi Ultimo Adios
c. Leyes Nuevas (New Laws)
d. Laws of Burgos
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